Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2025: Invention Convention

See download buttons below to download the flyer, leader guides, or medical forms.

Cub Resident & Webelos Outpost Overnight Summer Camp Dates 2025 have been posted on our google calendar!!   

Summer Day & Resident Camps

Camp celebrates our scouts moving into their next ranks as the beginning of the next scout year.  The cost of camp is based on selected experience, campership amount, and credits earned.       

Scouts will be able to choose from a day camp experience or overnight camp experience.  Choosing the right camp experience is a scout to scout decision based on the readiness skills for short-term outdoor living.  

All our scouts should look to finalize their camp plans by March-April time frame.  Medical forms are required for every person (scout or adult) on camp property. Scouts not staying over or staying less then 72 hours are required to fill out Part A & B of the medical form.  All longer stays requires parts A, B, & C.        

Campership forms should be completed and turned in by February-March time frame.  The campership program is an exclusive program for our own unit due to a sizeable donation made for our scouts.  The council manages the program on a yearly basis for scouts attending Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation only. 

Overnight Camping at Hawk Mountain

Tips for a successful and fun time at camp (A dads perspective).